Hello my fellow bloggers,
Hope this blog finds everyone well. I can’t believe what these fires have done! It seems lately its one natural disaster after another one. It’s a bit disheartening when thinking about 2012 and what the future might have in store for us. Still, I’d like to believe that maybe the world won’t end and instead good things will come. I can’t imagine what it would be like to lose your entire life of things in just seconds. My heart goes out to all those affected by the fire.
This entire thing has made me realize just how lucky I am and how many things I have to be grateful for. I have a really amazing group of friends that have stuck by my side for over a decade now and have my back no matter what. What I love about friends is you choose them. If they suck, you can get rid of them. The friends I’ve had for the last ten years are the family I chose in Austin and have proven to be worthy. Family…well those I can’t choose, I’m stuck with but they are amazing even though they drive me crazy, they are mine and got my back.
This year has been a year of change and lessons. I have found that lately, I just want to lead a simple life. Think positive, be positive and only interact with positive people. They say misery loves company and guess what, I’m done being miserable. People say I love drama. That I crave drama. Okay well maybe not people but some negative folks told me that. Well…while I love drama on my soap operas, I do not love drama in my life. Somehow because I’m a nice person it attracts all kinds of people, some of which have proven to only bring me drama then blame me for it. The only thing I’m left with is feeling betrayed, hurt and judged when all I’ve felt like is I’ve tried my best to be a good person given my own circumstances. So I’ve removed those who are living in misery out of my world and now a weights been lifted. Amen. “If you judge people, you have no time to love them.” ~ Mother Teresa “If we really want to love, we must learn how to forgive.” ~ Mother Teresa I can forgive, but I won’t’ forget. Who quotes that??
I’ve been reading a book on Mother Teresa and something in there struck a chord. Start with your home and those around you, she says. You don’t need to go to a remote place to make a difference. Start with your own home and community. Also, you don’t need to make huge sacrifices or give money. Learn to contribute from the heart and not just the pocket. If nothing else, just spend a bit of time with those are lonely and alone. And of course, start in your own home. It’s made me stop and think about those people I love and are in my life that I need to pay more attention too. So turning a new leaf. If you get a random I” love you, lets hang out” text from me, now you know why…its cuz I love you and want to spend more time with ya hehe. My time is valuable, so that’s saying a lot!
Something that has really hit a nerve in the last month or so is RESPECT. Why do people think its okay to disrespect someone? My time and my efforts are valuable, if you don’t appreciate it…here’s a phrase “ef off and ef out of my life”-LIA CHOWDHURY- My biggest pet peve is someone who purposefully doesn’t get back to you, return calls, call you once in a while ONLY IF they need something, or constantly bitch and whine and never bring anything positive to the table, and basically have a one sided relationship where you give and they take. But somehow, I become the target and the one to blame. Something as simple as If I call or text you, its cuz I care and want to do something, take a moment to give me some respect and return a text or call. Even if it’s just to say “hey appreciate the call/text but I’m busy, how about next week.” Show me the same respect I show you whether it’s a text or having your back. If you can’t do that, than please remove me from your life. "I speak to everyone in the same way, whether he is the garbage man or the president of the university." — Albert Einstein "When we treat people merely as they are, they will remain as they are. When we treat them as if they were what they should be, they will become what they should be. " — Thomas S. Monson
Anyway….on a more important note, while I can sit here and blog and whine about the life lessons I learned, I have two friends that I would like to ask everyone to pray for. One is my friend Michael David who is showing amazing resilience while trying to recover from a terrible motorcycle accident. Please pray for his full recovery. And I’d like to shout out to my friend Kellen Chumley whose family was severely affected by the fire in Bastrop and lost their entire house and everything. If you’d like to help out and donate to either of my friends causes, please contact me at lazylia@gmail.com
Love you all…
“To love is to risk not being loved in return. To hope is to risk pain. To try is to risk failure, but risk must be taken because the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing.” UNKNOWN
I started this blog on a journey to Italy...now its about the life after this trip.
Lia's Blog Diaries
This is Me
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Sunday, August 14, 2011
What it would mean to have a dog?
Hello Bloggers,
It's been so long since I've written a blog, I figured its time to pick it up again. Today I watched the movie "Marley and Me". I heard a lot about it and everyone said I would cry. They were right.
For those of you who know me pretty well, then you know that I'm a very emotional person. Most of you think I'm not a dog person...but that's just not true. I admire dogs a lot. I find myself pretty fascinated by them. I will admit I wouldn't be able to handle a big one. After watching this movie, I found myself wanting a dog more than ever. Crazy considering Marley is a nightmare and the complete opposite type of dog I'd want to buy. But what appealed to me was this idea of having something waiting for me when I get home. This living thing that counts on me, loves me no matter what, let's you be that crazy person that talks to themselves without being judged and most importantly, they don't argue back and you don't have to use a contraceptive to prevent yourself from getting one!!! Okay, maybe they'll chew you stuff up and bark like crazy ...but not like I speak dog to get offended right? I love how dogs get protective and territorial over the people they care about. I mean, for me their just a dog....but I'm slowly starting to understand why people get so attached to them. I have a very addictive personality and I can get attached to things very easily...and even worse...I have a problem letting go of things I love. Because of this, I fear getting a dog.
So tell me, all you dog owners, is it worth the trouble you go through to care for a dog, to have one? Everyone keeps telling me I'd be a horrible dog owner or they give me their unsolicited advice on what type of dog they think would be good for me. I know deep inside, I'd be a great dog owner for the right dog. FOr those of you who've had me take care of you or care for you or love you in anyway...should know I'm a caretaker by nature. So...with all this being said...I think once things settle for me a bit financially I will be getting my first ever pet dog. The idea is exciting me a lot and I find myself researching all kinds of things from training to tricks. I can even see myself dressing my dog up LOL.
I think the dog I want is a pure bred perfect little yorkie girl dog. So if anyone sees any good deals, tips, warnings etc...please let me know.
Keep ya'll posted on this new possible adventure.
**my perfect dream dog**

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